Hands-on Workshop

Only on-site section available – tentative
Wednesday, 29 September
13.15 – 17.00

Internet of Things

PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia


The workshop where the participant takes part in an activity. The presenter is a representative of a company that specializes in IoT technology. Participants must bring their own laptop/PC for the activity.


Speaker: Mr. Ibnu Alinursafa Senior Manager IoT Platform PT. Telkom Indonesia

Hands-on Topic: IoT device with Antares Platform Support
Requirement: PC/Laptop.
Seat Capacity: 20

Artificial Intelligence

PT. Huawei Indonesia


The workshop where the participant takes part in an activity. The presenter is a representative of a company that specializes in AI industry technology. Participants must bring their own laptop/PC for the activity.


Speaker: Mr. Randal Wang Feng Al Solution Sales Head Indonesian Cloud & Al Business Department PT Huawei Tech Investment

Hands-on Topic: Huawei cloud AI develop platform – Modelarts
Requirement: PC/Laptop.
Seat Capacity: 20