Integration of WSN/IoT as part of Enabling Technology for IR4.0
The presentation starts by looking into the related works in WSN and IoT, then showing the essentials feature as related to the IR4.0. Some proposals for improvement in efficiency of data capturing and transmission from the sensors to the gateway and to the cloud. We discuss various mechanisms for data reduction, gives critical evaluation for data reduction approaches of the previous works and summarized its constraints. The work on APRS (Adaptive Real-Time Payload Data Reduction Scheme) will be described in relation to the usage on multivariate sensors. Overall, the participants are expected to acquire some information regarding the wireless sensor networks in general and the important of data reduction in the data transmission and processing, ultimately result in more efficient system.
Keynote: Integration of WSN/IoT as part of Enabling Technology for IR4.0

Jiwa Abdullah, graduated from the Liverpool University, United Kingdom as Bachelor of Electronic Engineering (B.Eng(hons)). His career as lecturer started in the Polytechnic Ungku Omar, the Malaysian Premier Polytechnic, training technical semi professionals. He continued to his master degree and PhD in the Loughborough University, United Kingdom. His PhD thesis is on QoS for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Currently he is attached to the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia. He had held several administrative duties such as Head of Communication Engineering Dept, Deputy Dean ( Academic and Internationalization) at the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. His main interests are wireless sensor networks, underwater sensor networks, mobile ad hoc networks, vehicular networks, wireless communications, networking, application of computational intelligence to communication systems, integration of WSN and IoT and also in the area of engineering educations. He authored more than 100 publications in journals, conferences and book chapters. Over the years he managed a total of RM800k research grants; supervised 30 masters student with 25 graduated. He also supervised 8 PhD candidates, with 3 already graduated, mostly in the area of wireless sensor networks. Assoc Prof. Dr Jiwa Abdullah is a member of IEEE and Board of Engineers Malaysia
Prima Kristalina received her PhD and Magister degree from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. Her PhD thesis is on the development of optimization algorithms to improve sensor node positioning accuracy in distributed wireless sensor networks. Currently she is attached on the Department of Electrical Engineering, Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS), Indonesia. She serves as an active reviewer for several international conferences (IES, COMNETSAT, IINTEC, CSAE, CENIM) and publications: IEEE Access (IEEE Xplore Digital Library), IET Wireless Sensor Systems (IET Digital Library), International Journal of Communication Systems (Willey online Library), Journal of King Saud University -Computer and Information Sciences (Elsevier), International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (Taylor & Francis Online), International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation (TAETI Association). She belongs to the Wireless Sensor Networks research group in PENS. Her research interests are mobile networks, localization and tracking techniques in wireless sensor networks, estimation theory and distributed processing. She authored more than 20 publications in journal and conferences. Currently, she is an Editor in Chief of EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology (has been listed on Emerging Sources Citation Index by Clarivate Analysis). She manages a total Rp 300M research grant; supervised 7 master students with 3 already graduated, mostly in the area of localization and tracking system in wireless sensor networks, and more than 50 undergraduate students with 40 already graduated. Ass. Prof. Prima Kristalina is a member of IEEE and IAENG.
Amang Sudarsono was in the Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology (GNST), Okayama University, Japan; Graduate School of Information Sciences (GSIS), Tohoku University, Japan; and Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya, Indonesia, respectively. He also was a Network Engineer in the Division of Network Engineering, Metro Cellular Nusantara, Ltd., Surabaya, Indonesia. His research interests include privacy-enhancing authentications (group signatures), network & information security, and cryptography as well. Currently, he is working on designing privacy preserving for anonymous authentication and its applications in wireless networks.