IES 2022 contains two main tracks:
- International Electronics Symposium on Engineering Technology and Applications (IES-ETA) 2022 has been registered in the world’s largest professional association for the advancement of technology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
- International Electronics Symposium on Knowledge Creation and Intelligent Computing (IES-KCIC) 2022 has been registered in the world’s largest professional association for the advancement of technology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
We cordially invite you to attend the IES-ETA 2022 and IES-KCIC 2022, which will be held in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia, on August 9-11, 2022. All full paper submissions will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research content/depth, correctness, relevance to conference, contributions, and readability. Papers in the technical program have to describe high-quality and original research. The full paper submissions will be chosen based on technical merit, interest, applicability, and how well coherent and balanced technical program. The accepted paper will be considered for publication in IEEE Xplore and Scopus indexing. The selected papers will be recommended for journal publication. High-quality papers will be nominated for “Best Paper Award”.
The accepted paper will be considered for publication in IEEE Xplore and Scopus indexing. The selected papers will be recommended for journal publication. High-quality papers will be nominated for Best Paper Award. The accepted papers with improved version will have opportunities for consideration for journal publication in:
- EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology (National Accredited, indexed by Copernicus, DOAJ, IPI, Google Scholar, BASE, Research Bib, etc.)
- International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology (IJASEIT) (indexed by Scopus, DOAJ, etc.)
Conference publication and promotion for journal publication is under working principles of the conference as follows:
All accepted papers will be included in IES 2022 Book Program. All presented papers will be published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library and indexed by Scopus. High-quality papers will be nominated for Best Paper Award.
After the conference, the Steering Committee Board of the conference (SC) will select high quality presented papers and offer to the author to improve the paper to be published as a journal publication. The paper improvement has to fulfil these requirements:
- The author has to improve the paper at least in 8-12 pages (more than number of pages required for the conference in 4-6 pages)
- There is at least 30% improvement in the abstract and content of the paper.
- The paper must meet less than 15% of similarity check by iThenticate
- The title should be different from the title of paper for the conference.
- The author must also submit a summary of changes that outlines how the submitted version differs from the conference version.
The author chooses the journal for publication and submits the improved paper to SC during 1 month after the conference. SC will forward the paper to the journal committee. The journal committee will conduct re-review and decide the high quality paper appropriate to be published as a journal publication.
Important Dates:
- Deadline of Paper Submission : May 14, 2022
- Extended Deadline of Paper Submission : June 15, 2022
- Notification of Paper Acceptance : July 15, 2022
- Early Bird Registration & Payment: July 17, 2022
- Final Manuscript (Camera Ready) : July 27, 2022
- Deadline Registration & Payment : July 27, 2022
- Main Conference : August 9-11, 2022
(International Electronics Symposium on Knowledge Creation and Intelligent Computing)
Knowledge Base and Engineering
Information modelling / Knowledge acquisition and accumulation/ knowledge acquisition and accumulation / knowledge discovery knowledge management/Information systems and applications / Human-Computer interaction and modelling / intelligent optimization
Computational Intelligence
Learning and adaptation / perception and learning / emotion modelling / cognitive sciences /probabilistic and reasoning computation / reinforcement learning / statistical methods and data mining/ Pattern recognition/ artificial intelligence and soft-computing
Intelligent Multimedia Systems
Multimedia modeling / Multimedia computing systems and applications / intelligent multimedia analysis and processing / web intelligence / web- based support system / Multimedia information retrievals
Applied-Computing Sciences
ICT-based environmental studies and computations / Social-based computing model and analysis / Social media engineering / E-Learning and educational computation / Cross-cultural computation and modeling / Disaster management computing and support system / Medical computing analysis and applications / Robotics computing model and applications / Intelligent text processing and computational linguistics / linguistic knowledge modeling and representation
(International electronics Symposium on Engineering Technology and Applications )
Power Engineering and Energy Technology
Power Quality and Electromagnetic Compatibility / High Voltage Engineering and Insulations Technology/ Power Generation Technology / Power System Dynamic, Stability and Control / Power system Protection, Reliability and Security / Electric power Transmissions and Distributions/ Power Electronic Converter Topologies. Design and control / Switch-Mode Power Supplies and UPS / Electric Drives and Electrical Machines / Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology / Energy Storage system and Technology
Telecommunication Engineering Technology
Electromangnetic Compatibility / Electromagnetic and Radio Propagation / Wireless and Mobile Communications / Telecommunication, Propagation and Networking / Computational Electromagnetics and Electromagnetics Simulation Technology / DSP real-time Encoding technology and signal Embedded Systems
Robotics Technology and Control Systems
Robotic Vision / Intelligent Robotics / New Mechanism and Mobility / Networoked / Ubiquitous Robotics / Disaster Robotics/ Humanoid Robot / Service Robotics / Nano / Micro Robotics / Surgery Robot
Electronics Systems and Electrics Technology
Biomedical Engineering / Microelectronic Circuits and Systems / Measurement and Instrumentations / Nano Technology / Micro-Electro-Mechanical System / Sensor, RFID, and Electronic Design / Material and Device / Vehicular technology