Join us in International Electronics Symposium on Engineering Technology and Applications (IES-ETA) 2017. The symposium is focusing on practical application of science and engineering to a wide range of real world problems, delivering the engineering technology from laboratory to marketplace. IES-ETA 2017 brings technology and business leaders, experts from academia, and government together to materialise the ideas. On behalf of our symposium organizers we warmly invite you to submit your research abstract and participate in this exciting international event.
International Electronics Symposium on Engineering Technology and Applications (IES-ETA) 2017 has been registered in the world’s largest professional association for the advancement of technology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Power Engineering and Energy Technology
- Power Quality and Electromagnetic Compatibility
- High Voltage Engineering and Insulations Technology
- Power Generation Technology
- Power System Dynamic, Stability and Contro
- Power System Protection, Reliability and Security
- Electric Power Transmissions and Distributions
- Power Electronic Converter Topologies, Design and Control
- Switch-Mode Power Supplies and UPS
- Electric Drives and Electrical Machines
- Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology
- Energy Storage System and Technology
Electronics Systems and Electrics Technology
- Biomedical Engineering
- Microelectronic Circuits and Systems
- Measurement and Instrumentations
- Nano Technology
- Micro-Electro-Mechanical System
- Sensor, RFID, and Electronic Design
- Material and Device
- Vehicular technology
Telecommunication Engineering Technology
- Electromagnetic Compatibility
- Electromagnetic and Radio Propagation
- Wireless and Mobile Communications
- Telecommunication, Propagation and Networking
- Computational Electromagnetics and Electromagnetics Simulation Technology
- DSP real-time encoding technology and signal Embedded Systems
Robotics Technology and Control Systems
- Robotic Vision
- Intelligent Robotics
- New Mechanism and Mobility
- Networked/Ubiquitous Robotics
- Disaster Robotics
- Humanoid Robot
- Service Robotics
- Nano/Micro Robotics
- Surgery Robot