September 26-27 2017
Tel: +91 123456789
SuroboyoBambu RuncingTugu Pahlawan


Suro-Boyo is the most iconic statue in Surabaya city

Bambu Runcing

Bambu Runcing is one of famous monument Surabaya city

Tugu Pahlawan

Heroes Monument is one of famous monument Surabaya city

Facing the Indonesia Smart e-Government

Workshop description :

Government around the world are adopting electronic government (e-Government). In every region including Indonesia, national and local governments are putting critical information online, automating complicated processes and interacting electronically with their citizens.

Defined broadly, e-government is the use of ICT to promote more efficient and effective government, facilitate more accessible government services, allow greater public access to information, and make government more accountable to citizens. E-government might involve delivering services via various telecommunication systems, mainly the Internet.

But implementing e-government is not a shortcut to economic development, budget savings, or efficient government. E-government is not a single big national event that immediately alters the universe of government forever. E-government is a process—call it “e-volution”—and often a struggle that presents costs and risks, both financial and political. These risks can be significant. If not well conceived and implemented, e-government initiatives can waste resources, fail in their promise to deliver useful services and thus increase public frustration with government.

Indonesia started adopting e-Government at 2003, where the President of Republic of Indonesia called from INPRES No.3/2003. The President instructed to the national and local government to adopt ICT to improve public services to the citizens. Even in almost 14 years of adopting e-Government, Indonesia still facing difficulties to build its own e-Government framework. One of big problem faced by Indonesia is the e-Government infrastructure. Infrastructure requires a complex integrated implementation plan, including architecture of data centers, government secure network, G-cloud, service oriented architecture, and interoperability framework and consolidation between cross government sectoral.

In IES 2017, we will organize a workshop entitled “Facing the Indonesia Smart e-Government” to share knowledge about the progress of e-Government development in Indonesia and the potential contributions from telecommunication provider sector, local governments, academics and National Agency for the Assessment and Application Technologies (BPPT).

The goal of this workshop is to exchange knowledge of best practices in implementing e-Governments viewed from different perspectives: softwares, infrastructures, regulations, and human resources. Smart e-Goverments should include open data, cross sectoral integration, and ability to provide support for better and faster decision making.

This workshop will be held in the Theater Room at Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS), September 27th, 2017, 08.00 – 15.30 WIB. Participants of this workshop have opportunity to visit smart city software exhibition, IoT workshop, and other events of International Electronics Symposium 2017.

No Time Agenda
1 08.00 – 09.30 – Registration
– Smart City Software Exhibition
2 09.30 – 09.40 Opening Ceremony
3 09.45 – 10:30 Opening Speech from Head of Communication and Informatics Deparment of  Jawa Timur  (Dinas Kominfo – Pemprov Jatim)
4 10:30 – 11:45 Keynote Speech from Deputy for Information, Energy and Material Technology National Agency for the Assessment and Application Technologies (BPPT)

Presentation Title : “Transformasi Digital Menuju Smart Government

5 11:45 – 13:00 Lunch Break
6 13.00 – 14:15 Panel discussion (moderator : Ferry Astika S., PENS)

–       Head of Appliaction Informatics of Communication and Informatics Deparment (Dinas Kominfo – Pemprov Jatim)

–       Head of Laboratory For Information and Commmunication Technology Services (IPTEKNET)-  BPPT

–       CEO of PT. Korina (CoC System Integrator)

–       Head of  Geospatial Integrated Network Research Group Department of Informatic an Computer Engineering PENS

7 14:20 – 14.30 Remarks and closing
8 14:30 – 15:30 Software Expo by students of Informatic Engineering PENS