September 26-27 2017
Tel: +91 123456789


Suro-Boyo is the most iconic statue in Surabaya city

Bambu Runcing

Bambu Runcing is one of famous monument Surabaya city

Tugu Pahlawan

Heroes Monument is one of famous monument Surabaya city

Notification for Accepted Papers

Notification for Accepted Papers

Please make the necessary changes based on reviewers’ comments and suggestions. Committee will check whether the revision has been performed or not. Fail to do so, we have a right to exclude your paper from the proceedings.

Now we would like your cooperation with the double check of your paper.

  • For the copyright: Please ensure you process the copyright. The IEEE e-copyright submission can be done in EDAS electronically at ‘Copyright form’.
  • For the paper final version: Please Strictly use and follow to IEEE template Manuscripts (Word Format):
  • Proofread your final manuscript thoroughly to confirm that it will require no revision.
  • Please ensure that number of pages of your final paper is 4-8 pages.
  • All the papers have to go through the file conversion (become PDF file) offered by IEEE PDF eXpress. You can refer to the link here: You will need the Conference ID to log in, which is: 42119X. After file conversion (become PDF file) offered by IEEE PDF eXpress successfully. You can upload PDF file paper final version in EDAS at ‘Final manuscript’
  • Please take notice that the Final Paper should be submitted by August 28, 2017.
  • Most importantly, please ensure the similarity score is less than 30%. You can refer to EDAS to see the similarity score of your paper. According to IEEE regulations, any paper with a similarity score of more than 30% will be dropped and should be reported to IEEE. Please make sure your final paper follow this rule.
    If the similarity score of final version is more than 30%, the paper will be dropped or cancelled to be presented at IES-ETA dan IES-KCIC 2017.
  • Each paper should have a registration with Full Registration Rate before September 15, 2017. Any paper without registration will be dropped automatically. Please refer to this link:
  • IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g. removal from IEEE Xplore) if the paper is not presented at the conference.

PDFExpress procedures

  1. Go to
  2. Create new user:
    Conference ID:42119X
  3. Account Information:
  4. Account Created:
  5. Create New Title of your paper:
  6. Paper Information – Title of paper:
  7. Upload Paper Final Version in DOC or PDF file (Strictly follow to IEEE template Manuscripts):
  8. Upload Results:
  9. Information about your PDF Conversion result at email: